This pair of sunglasses were worn by the character “Driver” portrayed by actor Ryan Gosling in the 2011 motion picture “Drive”. Driver wore these sunglasses during the sequence where prepares to perform a car stunt…
Posts Tagged ‘gosling’
This rabbit foot keychain and set of prop keys were used by the character “Driver” portrayed by actor Ryan Gosling in the film “Drive”. These were Driver’s keys used in scenes when driving his Chevy…
This California license plate JTT 108 was used by the character “Driver” portrayed by actor Ryan Gosling in the movie “Drive”. The plate was mounted on the front of Driver’s Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu used in…
This prop hammer was used by the character “Driver” portrayed by actor Ryan Gosling in the motion picture “Drive”. The hammer was used in a pivotal action sequence of the movie, and is a rare…
This signature costume was worn by the character “Driver” portrayed by actor Ryan Gosling in the film “Drive”. The jacket has a bloody squib hole in the shoulder from its use in the action sequence…