Hello, Whoopi Goldberg’s outfit has been delivered safe and sound today! Thank you so much for sending the outfit so fast: it is such a great item to own!!! A perfect transaction from the start until…
Posts Tagged ‘used’
Dec. 2012 This month we’re featuring “NATURAL BORN KILLERS” who murder for pleasure, passion, and fame. Featuring the dress worn by Juliet Lewis in the poetic scene on the bridge where the two bond and…
Oct. 2012 This month the spotlight is on our collection of Frank Sinatra personal and stage worn wardrobe that was gifted to his personal costumer and longtime friend, Mr. Michael Castellano. The collection includes Sinatra’s…
This month, The Golden Closet is pleased to present the following wardrobes and props: Robert Redford’s NY Knights team jacket from “The Natural,” Eddie Murphy’s letterman jacket from “Beverly Hills Cop 2,” Will Ferrell’s ski…
The Avengers is officially a record-shattering box office success. It premiered on April 11, 2012, at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California, to the applause of millions of fans and even managed to garner…