"The Godfather" 3rd draft script dated March 1, 1971 bound by brass studs, in the original burgundy studio cover with "The Godfather embossed in gold, and "Studio duplicating services Inc. 446 West 44th Street NYC in the lower left hand corner. A piece of white gaffers tape is on the bind with “Godfather #1 FINAL Mar 1971” handwritten in red ink. The cover shows signs of wear from use by Sass Bedig and a number of the script pages have be folder in the right hand corner. Script case is included with the sale of this item.
This script belonged to the special effects coordinator Sass Bedig, included are his scene notations and highlights. For example, on page 81, Scene 39D, INT NITE: LUNA AZURA (WINTER 1945); “…his right hand puts the gun right against SOLLOZZO’S head, just touching his temple. He pulls the trigger and we see part of SOLLOZZO’s head blown away, and a spray of fine mist of blood cover the entire area... jacket is sprayed and stained with blood… There is McCLUSKEY, frozen, the fork with a piece of veal suspended in air before his gaping mouth. MICHAEL fires; catching McCLUSKEY in his thick bulging throat. He makes a horrible, gagging, choking sound. Then coolly, and deliberately, MICHAEL fires again, fires right through McCLUSKEY’s white-topped skull.,” is highlighted in pink and “Bullet Effect, Red Mist for 2 Killings in Rest” handwritten to the right of the action. This scene was a special effect gag that Sass Bedig and Joe Lombardi created for the film. Lombardi rigged a revolver to an explosive squib on Sollozo’s forehead. In an interview with Dick Smith, the makeup artist, he explains the design of the squib in the scene, “There was a metal plate on [Sterling Hayden's] forehead and the squib on top of that — and [we] covered the whole forehead with foam latex skin… Then when the squib blew, it would blow a hole in the skin so the blood would pour out.” David Morgan, copy right 1990
“The Godfather,” revolves around the powerful “Don Vito Corleone” (Marlon Brando), who is the head of Italian-American crime family in New York. When his son “Michael” (Al Pacino) decides to not to get involved with the family business after coming home from World War II, tragic events occur and lead to a mafia war, which forces Michael to face his family’s legacy. This film is considered one of the greatest critical and commercial successes ever made and won three Academy Awards in 1973. The wins include: Best Picture, Best Actor in a leading role to Marlon Brando, and Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium.
This script is in good production used condition and is accompanied by a letter of authenticity from property master Barry Bedig, Sass Bedig’s son. Presented by The Golden Closet, your premiere source for iconic screen used wardrobe, props, and collectible music entertainment memorabilia.