Shannon (Bryan Cranston)
Bloody Costume
Item # A0275



SALE PRICE: $2500 $1,200.00
This complete costume was worn by the character “Shannon” portrayed by actor Bryan Cranston in the 2011 motion picture “Drive” starring Ryan Gosling. This “Hero” outfit consists of a distressed sage green floral print western shirt with faux blood on the left arm, and a pair of distressed gray Wrangler pants with faux bloodstains. Costume hold tag attached with, “Shannon, Bryan Cranston, Ch# 7, D11, Scene 53” and costume description hand written on the verso.
Mr. Cranston wore this costume when Shannon is attempting to leave his garage at and is surprised by “Bernie Rose” (Albert Brooks). Bernie threatens Shannon to reveal the whereabouts of “Driver” (Gosling), when he refuses Bernie slashes Shannon’s arm with a straight razor and leaves him to die.
The costume is in distressed screen worn condition and was acquired directly from the production company. Accompanied by a letter of authenticity. Presented by The Golden Closet, your premier source for iconic screen used wardrobe, props, and music entertainment memorabilia.